March 9, 2014

Bullying... A Teenage Struggle

Evolution; it's a theory that simply states living organisms change overtime to survive. Being the developed living organisms that we are, you'd think that we'd emotionally evolve as well, but that appears to not be the case. Ask anyone, no matter age, and they'd admit that they have taken  some part in bullying; the ones that say no are lying.  Bullying can lead to death, which obviously is not helping homo sapiens's survival rate.

Why do bullies do bully? It can't be that they're just apathetic and heartless. Hollywood says it's due to mishandled hardships. Parents and adults say it's a way for a person to get a power rush. Ignorant people say that it's just a phase. I say that it's insecure people wanting to make others insecure. They are weak; they need other's grief, power and confidence. This doesn't have to be prompted from some soap-opera worthy abuse from other individuals... trust me.

But how does speculating the reason for bullying help the victims? Bullies will bully no matter is you diagnose the cause. Note: I'm about to give my advice I tell my bullied friends. I have no experience with harsh bullying and am probably not actually helping those who are bullied but instead creating a long string of words. I say:
Don't get used to bullying. Stand up for yourself. I don't mean have some dramatic confrontation or even exchange in any sort of communication with the bully.
 First, I recommend faking that you don't care. Don't look at them. Don't cry in front of them. Don't speak back. They are emotional dementors that use your power and joy to get stronger. Unlike dementors, they are unmagical and ordinary. They want reactions, so stick it to them and don't show reactions.
The next step is feeling confident. I know that this is hard for people who have either lost confidence or have never had it, but there are ways to get it. I find confidence in things that I do well-- school, leaps in dance, random trivia about Disney and Netflix tv shows, long rants. It makes a person feel accomplished and will attract people who are similar.
The next step is to be more than open to friendships. The worst thing to do when getting bullied is to isolate yourself from the people who do care. Don't wait for your savior. All it can take is a few "hi"s or "hey"s to people walking down the hallway. It  shows that you want to be friends and can start long conversations and connections.
I mean the best option is to talk to an adult or depression center, but honestly, few rarely do.
Remember: You are a victim, but you can rise from it much easier than bully. You can be proactive.

I look at life like this: My emotional heart is protected with walls. These walls are bulletproof glass. They allow for people to get to see me and know me, but few can open the camouflaged glass door. The bulletproof layer is my confidence. It feels the negative blows, but doesn't let them break the glass. Eventually it repairs itself with the positive things found in life. So, wait and hold on. Your glass may be fragile, but life is a pattern and soon it will repair.

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