January 30, 2014


Disclaimer: Admittedly this post has come late. It's the end of January for pete's sake! However, I argue the case that: a. good resolutions take time to think of and even more time to plan how one is going to complete their resolution b. my blog was started yesterday and c. I'm a procrastinator at heart so posting this late comes rather naturally. Though a considered atheist, very indecisive and regrettably a realist, I do believe in resolutions for a New Year. Not only does it start the year in a blindly optimistic way, but it allows people to have the ability to work towards change without having the burden of prior event's discouragement. In 2014, I hope to correct three of my errors. Three seems like a good lucky number, after all it is a fairytale number, that can still be achievable. 

The first flaw of mine is stop being a judgmental arse. Yes, it make come with the territory of being a girl teenager; however, it makes me sometimes feel disgusted with myself. I harshly judge, mainly one one aspect of a person, and don't easily change my mind. I do take pride in not judging based on a superficial level, but habits such as smoking, spitting or not having any motivation make me rude to the person. To make matters worse, my rudeness is involuntary, awful thoughts just daily float into my head. Luckily, theses thoughts are just in my head and I rarely verbally communicate them. But what good does it do me to waste negative energy on a person that I don't care about or even know?

Secondly, I want to stop being an internet addict. I am honestly getting worried about how much I obsess over sites such as, Netflix, Youtube, Pinterest and Gmail. I'm not sure how I'll fix it, because these countless wasted hours normally begin with me innocently needing the internet for homework. Then comes the two hour frenzy. 
I hope the scientists are mistaken and watching/gazing at technology and screens doesn't kill brain cells or else I fear a very stupid generation of up and coming adults. 

The last goal of mine is to be more proactive. Instead of pinning things to do and home improvement, I want to try some. Or instead of making a mental complaint that my room looks like a tornado came through twice, I'll get up and clean it. Or when I'm sitting at my desk on a Friday night doing homework, I don't want to wait for friends to invite me to participate in life, I want to be the initiator. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledor 

It's rare that I ever follow or even give my resolutions a second glance after making them, yet I hope that writing them to the public will motivate me to actually try whether I succeed or not. "Leave comments on your new year's resolutions", said the girl pretending that someone is actually reading her blog. Till then...

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